Engineering Projects
Dr. Praveen Karebasannanavar is a seasoned structural engineer with decade long of extensive experience in mechanical and civil engineering. He holds a PhD in materials engineering collaborated with the French Technical Centre of Mechanical Industries and The Open University in Milton Keynes - England, where he specialized in residual stress of polymer composites. His doctoral research has given him a deep understanding of composite material behaviour in structural engineering.
Dr. Karebasannanavar's expertise spans in automotives, residential and commercial structures, with a focus on structural integrity assessments: fatigue, residual stress measurement, and polymer composites. His advanced knowledge and hands-on experience make him a leading expert in these critical areas of stress analysis in structural engineering.
List of International Conferences
1) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2024), Quantification of Mesoscale Residual Stress in Crossply Laminar Polymer Composites using Contour Method, Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Conference – International Composite Summit, Milton Keynes - UK.
2) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2024), Contouring Residual Stress: A New Frontier for Polymer Composite Characterization, 9th International Conference on Advanced Experimental Mechanics, British Society of Strain Measurement (BSSM), University of Liverpool - UK.
3) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2024), Contouring Residual Stress: A New Frontier for Polymer Composite Characterization, 9th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, European Structural Integrity Society - Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
4) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2023), Cutting Edge Solutions: Viability of Abrasive Waterjet Machining to Characterise Residual Stress using Contour Method in Polymer Composites, 17th International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology – IIT Guwahati - India.
5) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2023), Potential Cutting Techniques for the Application of Contour Method in Carbon Fibre Reinforced Cross-Ply Laminate, 6th International Conference on Material Design and Applications: ICMDA6 - Chiba University, Japan.
6) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2022), Advancing the Contour Method for the Measurement of Residual Stress in Polymer Composites, 11th International Conference on Residual Stress – Nancy, France.
7) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2019), Simulation of Contour Method to Back Calculate Residual Stress in Polymer Composites, Fifth Postgraduate Experimental Mechanics Conference, BSSM: Sheffield Hallam University - UK.
8) K R Praveen, S S Mishra, P Babu, A Spagnoli, A Carpinteri, (2017) Multiaxial Fatigue Assessment of Welded Connections in Railway Steel Bridge under Constant and Variable Amplitude Loading, 9th New York City Bridge Conference - New York, USA.
9) K R Praveen, S S Mishra, P Babu, A Spagnoli, A Carpinteri, (2017) Multiaxial Fatigue Damage Assessment of Welded Connections in Railway Steel Bridge using Critical Plane Approach, 7th International Conference on Fatigue Design - Senlis, France.
List of Publications
1) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2024), Pioneering Residual Stress Characterization in Polymer Composites through the Contour Method, Nature Communications (in review).
2) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2024), Contouring Residual Stress: A New Frontier for Polymer Composite Characterization, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, British Society of Strain Measurement (BSSM).
3) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2024), Quantification of Mesoscale Residual Stress in Crossply Laminar Polymer Composites using Contour Method, Proceedings of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Conference: International Composite Summit, Marshell Arena, Milton Keynes - UK.
4) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2023), A Multifaceted Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Approach of Quantifying Residual Stress in Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, Journal of Strain - Wiley (in print).
5) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2023), Cutting Edge Solutions: Viability of Abrasive Waterjet Machining to Characterise Residual Stress using Contour Method in Polymer Composites, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology – IIT Guwahati - India.
6) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2023), Potential Cutting Techniques for the Application of Contour Method in Carbon Fibre Reinforced Cross-Ply Laminate, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Material Design and Applications: ICMDA6 - Chiba University, Japan.
7) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2022), Advancing the Contour Method for the Measurement of Residual Stress in Polymer Composites, open science,
8) K R Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, J P Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon (2019), Simulation of Contour Method to Back Calculate Residual Stress in Polymer Composites, Proceedings of Fifth Postgraduate Experimental Mechanics Conference, BSSM: Sheffield Hallam University - UK.
9) K R Praveen, S S Mishra, P Babu, A Spagnoli, A Carpinteri (2018), Multiaxial Fatigue Assessment of Welded Connections in Railway Steel Bridge under Constant and Variable Amplitude Loading, Journal of Bridge Structures, Volume. 14, Pages 21-33.
10)K R Praveen, S S Mishra, P Babu, A Spagnoli, A Carpinteri (2017), Multiaxial Fatigue Damage Assessment of Welded Connections in Railway Steel Bridge using Critical Plane Approach, Procedia Engineering - Elsevier, Volume-213 Pages 776–787.